Glew, and Viswesvaran's (2012) meta- analysis on the effects of positive humor in the work context, including leader humor, acknowledged that "humor" and "sense of humor" are "different aspects of the humor construct" (p. 157).
However, they still col- lapsed across various measures reflecting humor and sense of humor in their meta- analysis (affiliative humor style, sense of humor, and expression of positive humor), thus generating confounding results.
Likewise, recent empirical research conducted by Yam, Christian, Wei, Liao, and Nai (2018) also con- flated these two humor constructs in leadership settings by referring to their central construct as "leader sense of humor" but then measuring leader behaviors (e.g.
(2012) that "humor" and "sense of humor" represent different aspects of humor, we con- sider leader trait humor and leader humor expression to be qualitatively different con- structs.
Our review will start by clarifying leader humor, distinguishing between trait leader humor (sense of humor and humor styles) and (behavioral) humor expression in terms of their conceptualizations and measures, and provid- ing our critiques.
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